
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Terraforming Mars:Trans-Neptune Probe (and Template Explanation)

Trans-Neptune Probe

Tags Science, Space (Base)

Add. Requirement -

Card List Cost 6

Costs Actual Normal Ma Min
Req. Cost - - - -
Effect Cost - - - -
Final Card Cost 9 9 9 9

Value Actual Normal Max Min
VP Value 13 13 13 13
Income Value - - - -
Final Profit(Loss) 4 4 4 4

ROI 44.44% 44.44% 44.44% 44.44%
Breakeven Turn Immediate

Explanation of Card Template

Tags: Lists the tags found on the card. Generally, tags will be considered to have a value of "0". Instead, they will impact the cost of cards (explained when that becomes necessary). The card's set will also be displayed here.

Add. Requirements: Additional requirements based on the card.

Card List Cost: The cost of the card as listed on the card

Costs/Value: Costs are measured in 4 types
Actual- This is the cost as measured from the card (not normalized).
Normal-  Normalized costs are the cost normalized to a standard cost of 13. This is explained in earlier articles.
Max-The maximum normalized value possible. This valued is found if the card is played as early as possible for those cards which have an income per turn.
Min-This is valued as if the card were played as late as possible.

Req. Cost-This is the calculated cost based on the card's requirements.

Effect Cost-Some cards have an ongoing, or effective, effect which has some cost calculated here.

VP Value-VP Value is the measured increase based on Victory points.

Income Value- Measures the value of the card based on its income. As mentioned in earlier articles, this is the income based on an average play of the card.

Final Profit/Loss-This is the card's final (initial) gain or loss from playing the card.

ROI (Return on Investment)- This is the card's calculated return based on the card's cost. For those mathematically inclined, this is found using the following formula: [Gain-Cost]/Cost.

Breakeven- This is either how many uses, or how many turns, are needed for the card to pay for itself.

Any notes for the card will appear after This point.

Trans-Neptunian Probe is arguably the simplest of cards, and the reason it was chosen first. It has no requirements, generates 1VP, and has 2 tags. That is all there is to it. How does it fare against other cards? A question for future articles...

Going Forward

The cards in TM will be broken up by set, effect, and complexity. It is hoped to display two or three cards at a time in an article.

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